Distracted Driving: 4 Types of Distractions that Deserve Your Attention

Explore the four types of distractions for distracted driving for Washington state drivers. Discover who to call if you’re hurt by a distracted driver.

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Distracted driving refers to any act that takes a person’s attention away from driving. Want to learn more about laws around distracted driving? Check out our guide for Washington state drivers.

Types of Distractions

There are an infinite amount of reasons why someone gets distracted while driving. However, no matter how many people can come up with, they typically get sorted into 4 categories: physical, visual, mental and auditory distractions.

1. Physical

These distractions cause you to take your hands off the steering wheel. Common examples include:

  • Adjusting the radio
  • Eating or drinking
  • Texting or using your phone
  • Changing your seat or mirrors
  • Using GPS or maps

Ever realize that most newer cars have easily accessible buttons right on the steering wheel? Part of the reason is so that you’re only moving a finger, instead of needing to take your hand off to adjust a function.

2. Visual

Visual distractions are anything diverting your eyes from the road can be a visual distraction. Yes, even something as innocent as a beautiful sunset can have unforeseen consequences. Common examples include:

  • Checking emails or social media
  • Watching videos
  • Glancing at signs or billboards (or sunsets!)
  • Looking at buildings or places nearby

3. Mental

When your mind focuses on things outside of driving safely, that’s a mental distraction, also known as cognitive distraction. Common examples include:

  • Daydreaming
  • Planning events
  • Thinking about work or school
  • Remembering past events

Has someone ever told you to not drive a car while you’re emotional or upset? It’s because your driving goes into auto-pilot, when your mind wanders to the situation at hand. When you’re not alert, accidents are more prone to happen.

4. Auditory

When was the last time you found yourself lost on a road trip? Have you noticed that when you try to find your way, you’ll most likely turn the music down to focus? Any noise or sound that redirects your focus are auditory distractions. Common examples include:

  • Listening to music too loudly
  • Screaming children
  • Phone conversations or even with passengers
  • Ringtone notifications for calls or texts

Keep in mind, distractions aren’t restricted to one type at a time. It’s may be more common than you may think to get distracted in more than one way. What are two of the most common reasons for distracted driving? Talking or texting on your phone. Many sights and sounds that can overwhelm you from this text or phone call at once.

Recently injured in Washington state by a distracted driver?

We’ve got your back. Our car accident attorneys know how hard it can be to handle endless paperwork after a crash. You’re not alone. We’re here to answer your questions and help get you through this unexpected event in your time of need. Get a FREE case review today!

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