Distracted Driving: A Guide for Washington State Drivers

Want to learn more about the laws and practical tips to stay focused while driving? You’ve come to the right place.

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Distracted driving refers to any act that takes a person’s attention away from driving. Have you ever driven to a place only to ask, “How did I get here already?” That’s a perfect example of distracted driving.

Getting distracted while driving is easier than you may realize. It can be handing your toddler a snack in the back seat, checking your phone, or getting lost in your own thoughts. No matter the type of distraction you face, one thing is for sure: it doesn’t take much to sway your focus.

What does Washington state law say about distracted driving?

Here are a few references to keep in mind:

Using a personal electronic device while driving. RCW 46.71.672

  • Don’t use your hands to check your phone. Yes, this includes when you’re at a stoplight or stuck in traffic. Exceptions are: making an emergency call, pulling over, or parking.
  • Hands-free devices are okay to use for calls and voice actions.

“Dangerously distracted” driving. RCW 46.61.673 

  • You shouldn’t engage in any activity that takes your focus off driving.
  • This includes participating in anything that is not related to operating a car that could interfere with the focus of safely driving.

Are the consequences of distracted driving that bad?

Even when you don’t intend to lose focus, it happens. One glance away may have a significant impact on not only your life but others around you too.

So, the answer is yes, they can be. Some common consequences include:

  • Hurting yourself or others around you
  • Criminal penalties, tickets, or loss of driving privileges
  • Financial burdens like fines and higher car insurance rates

Get an extensive look at other consequences that are worth thinking about before taking an action to deter your focus from the road.

Any tips to help me prevent driving distracted?

Find yourself driving distracted often? Learn how to break the habit before someone gets hurt.

Easy, quick-fix options include:

  • Use technology to help keep distractions away. If you have an iPhone, set your phone on “Do not disturb.” This lets people know you’re driving. It also can send custom messages without the need to touch your phone. 
  • Utilize passengers in the car. Ask someone else to manage your text messages or phone calls while you’re driving. 
  • Prepare your trip in advance. Help kids get situated before you leave the driveway. Help set up older siblings to assist younger children in the backseat, if a need arises.

Make driving the priority, not multi-tasking.

Many people think they can zone out behind the wheel because driving is a mundane task. Whether you’ve been driving for less than a year or more than five decades, this isn’t the case! Focus on the road to protect yourself and others on the journey.

Were you driving in Washington when a distracted driver hit you? Our car accident attorneys know how hard it can be to handle endless paperwork after a crash. You’re not alone. We’re here to answer your questions and help get you through this unexpected event in your time of need. Get a FREE case review today!

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