Lacey Bicycle Accident Lawyer

When a bicyclist is hit by a car, the injuries can be severe and life-altering. If this has happened to you, you may be entitled to a personal injury settlement. While a settlement can’t undo what happened, it can help you recover your financial losses as well as provide a sense of justice. An experienced Lacey bicycle accident lawyer can help you with this process.

Read on to learn more about how a bike accident claim works and how we can assist.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Unfortunately, there are many opportunities for bicyclists and motorists to collide when they are sharing the road.

Here are some common scenarios we’ve encountered in our practice:

  • A bicyclist is struck by the open door of a parked car. The driver or passenger might not check their surroundings before exiting the vehicle.
  • A car or truck brushes alongside the bicyclist. This could happen if a motorist is traveling too close to a bicyclist or unaware that they are there in the first place.
  • A motor vehicle makes a right-hand turn and strikes a cyclist. Bicyclists can be hit when motorists fail to slow down and check before clearing a turn.
  • A car or truck backs up and strikes a bicyclist. Another common scenario is when a driver backs up, such as out of a driveway, without ensuring all is clear.

In any of these situations, the bicyclist is often the one to suffer the brunt of the injuries due to lack of protection. Even if you think you’re OK after being struck, we encourage you to seek medical care as soon as possible.

Damages you can Recover in a Bike Accident

Like many personal injury claims, there are two types of damages you can recover in a bike accident (RCW 4.56.250):

  1. Economic Damages. These damages include financial losses you’ve experienced because of your accident. For instance, lost wages, doctor bills, therapy costs, and medically necessary modifications to your home would all fall under economic damages.
  2. Non-Economic Damages. This category covers pain and suffering you experienced because of the wreck. We’d also want to look at the overall impact to your life.

One of our attorneys can help you understand the potential value of your claim based on the types of damages you experienced.

How a Personal Injury Attorney can Help

In our experience, insurance companies often offer victims very low settlement amounts. Remember, once you’ve accepted a settlement offer, it’s final. You can’t go back later to pursue additional funds. Our attorneys can help calculate the true value of your claim and armed with this information, fight for a fair amount on your behalf. Often, just having an attorney in your corner sends a message to insurance companies that you mean business.

Another benefit to using a personal injury attorney is that they will handle all the communication with the insurance companies involved. All those phone calls you’ve been getting will stop.

We  offer a free, no-obligation consultation about your case. If you choose to hire us, you only pay us if we’re able to win your case. This means you pay us nothing upfront.

Contact a Lacey Bike Accident Attorney Today

The first step is to call a Lacey bicycle accident lawyer to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation about your case. When you call, let us know if you’d like to meet at our Tacoma or Olympia location. We can also meet you at your home or hospital if it’s easiest for you.

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