Federal Way Paralysis Injury Lawyer

A spinal cord injury leading to paralysis can be a devastating, life-changing event for a victim and their family. And the feelings of loss can be intensified if the paralysis was caused by a preventable accident. If this has happened to you or a loved one, call a Federal Way paralysis injury lawyer. We can investigate the facts of what happened and let you know what legal options you have.

Our team offers free case evaluations and only charges a fee if we’re able to win you a settlement. In other words, there’s no risk to reach out and see if we can help.

Spinal Cord Injury Facts

The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center revealed these findings in their more recent report:

  • Average age at time of injury is 43
  • 78% of victims are male
  • Car accidents are leading cause of spinal cord injuries, followed by falls
  • Violent crime (particularly gunshot wounds) is another common cause
  • Victims stay an average of 11 days in acute care following the injury

The lifetime costs associated with a spinal cord injury often run into the millions of dollars. Consider that 30% of victims will need a hospital stay within the first year due to complications. Besides this, only 18% of those paralyzed are able to return to work within a year.

Paralysis Injury Can be Far-Reaching

Paralysis is considered a catastrophic injury because of the significant impact it has on an individual’s life. Physically, a victim may lose the ability to process bodily movements and sensations. This can impact bladder and bowel control, sexual function, and even the ability to process hot and cold. Many people find they can’t return to work in the same capacity – or at all – following a paralysis injury.

In addition, the psychological and mental toll on a victim can be steep. It’s not uncommon for victims to suffer depression or anxiety as they grapple with a new, unplanned-for reality. Sleep disruption, mood disturbances, and PTSD are also common.

The victim’s family also must adjust in many ways. A spouse or parent may now find themselves as a caretaker. This new role could also hamper their own ability to work, further stunting a family’s income. Understandable, family may feel overwhelmed and saddened that their loved one may no longer be able to take part in activities in the same way.

In personal injury law, we refer to all these impacts (financial and otherwise) as damages. In the state of Washington, a victim can pursue compensation for damages if their injury was caused by someone else’s negligence (RCW 4.56.250).

When you hire one of our attorneys, we’ll want to understand the damages you and your family have suffered because of your paralysis injury. This gives us a better understanding of a fair potential settlement value in your case.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Could Help

When you’re dealing with an expensive, catastrophic injury such as paralysis, you want to make sure that your settlement will provide for your present and future expenses. A qualified attorney will be prepared to negotiate that settlement on your behalf.

Here are some of the ways a personal injury lawyer can help:

  • Handle all aspects of the legal process
  • Communicate with the at-fault party and their representatives
  • Gather critical evidence
  • Consult with key witnesses and experts about your case
  • Negotiate a settlement

In the event we feel that negotiations are stalling or not yielding a fair offer, we will not hesitate to take your case to court. One of the biggest benefits to working with our team is that you can focus on your recovery while we handle the legal stress.

Schedule a Free Case Review Today

Why not take a few minutes out right now to reach out to a Federal Way paralysis injury lawyer? Our team at Ladenburg Law would be pleased to speak with you and answer any questions you might have. Remember, there’s no charge to have us hear what happened. Either way, you’ll walk away with valuable legal information about your case.

If you are not able to make it to our office, let us know. We can arrange to meet at your home, hospital, or even virtually. Let us know how we can best assist you when you call.

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