Federal Way Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be a life-altering experience for both victims and their loved ones. This injury is even more painful if it was caused because someone else was careless, negligent, or malicious. If this describes your situation, reach out to a Federal Way Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer for legal help. There’s no charge to speak with a member from Ladenburg Law about what happened to you. Plus, we only charge a fee if we’re able to win you a settlement.

Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Federal Way, WA

A TBI happens when a sudden jolt to the body or head causes the brain to hit the skull. As you might imagine, there are a great many situations where you could experience a strong jolt or blow like this.

Here are a few of the more common scenarios we’ve seen:

This list illustrates just a few examples. Again, a TBI can occur whenever you’ve suffered a strong blow to the body or head.

When to Suspect you Might Have a Traumatic Brain Injury

Anytime you’ve taken a hard hit, it’s important to watch for signs of a TBI. Sometimes, symptoms will show up immediately. However, it’s possible for signs to appear for days or even weeks afterwards (source: Mayo Clinic)!

In addition, you should be aware that symptoms can include physical, sensory, behavioral, and mental. In other words, there’s a whole gamut of effects your body can feel after a brain injury. Some of these include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Sensory changes
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Light or sound sensitivity
  • Mood changes

A brain injury needs medical attention and care. Please, do not delay in getting evaluated if you think there’s a chance you could be suffering from a TBI.

When Legal Action is Warranted

To be clear, not every circumstance leading to a brain injury warrants legal action. To have a valid personal injury case, you need to be able to prove that:

  • Someone owed you a duty of care. In other words, someone should have protected you, kept you safe, or acted in a safe way around you. For example, other drivers are obligated to abide by speed limits and obey traffic rules.
  • That person/party breached their duty of care. A breach happens when a person is negligent or reckless to the point others in their care are no longer safe. An example of this would be a shop owner neglecting to repair badly damaged flooring and failing to alert customers of the danger.
  • You were injured because of the breach. We need to demonstrate that your injuries were a direct result of the other person’s breach in their duty of care.
  • Your injuries resulted in damages. Some injuries don’t need medical care or time from work to recover from. If this is your situation, you likely won’t have a case. If, on the other hand, you have costly medical bills and missed wages, you could have a case.

One of the skilled attorneys from our team can meet with you and recommend filing a personal injury lawsuit if you are eligible for compensation.

Call a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer for Help

The first step to learn if you’re eligible for compensation is to contact a Federal Way traumatic brain injury lawyer from our team for a free case review. During that confidential meeting, you’ll learn what legal options are available to you. There’s no risk or obligation for the review, so we hope to hear from you soon!

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